
Just when you think its over....

Life can get like a really annoying show choir routine. If anyone has ever seen a show choir, you might know what I am talking about. The ending that keeps on ending. The song stops, they freeze...you think its over...NOPE! There are five different drum beats with lengthened pauses in between to create five fake endings, before the final pose strikes and you are allowed to clap and move on with your life.

Well, I suppose things have to be a bit surprising in life, otherwise what fun is left? Who really wants to know the ending of a good story? So, keep it coming life, keep the surprises coming. Extra payment on taxes, no honeymoon, fugly house...bring it all on life. I have my war paint on and some band-aids in my back pocket. I might need to borrow some neosporin from someone, so if you are feeling generous...you know where to reach me. 

Keep your chin up readers, the surprises only make it worth living...


Well, just call me Charlie...Charlie Brown

Strangely enough, the person I identify with the most is a cartoon character. I suppose this could speak volumes about my life as a whole, even on a psychological level. However, let me just say when Ol' Charlie goes to kick that football and Lucy moves it EVERYTIME...well I feel like I am watching my own life unfold in an eerie way. 

I think we would be friends, me and Charlie. Lets reference one of my favorite episodes; "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown." Charlie spends hours raking leaves, only to have them scattered by the flustered Linus. This is shortly followed by Lucy tricking him, yet again, into trying to kick the football. Its like, really Charlie, after decades of missing it...yet again, you are going to try again? Well, why not, right? After all, it is pretty entertaining. Charlie just blunders on with a few "Good Grief!" 's thrown in. I love it because, well, nothing seems to phase him.

Here is the great thing, who doesn't love a good Charlie Brown episode? We all know what's coming when Lucy pulls out her party invitation list, or when she sets up that football. But, he makes me feel like life will be ok. The everyday little catastrophes of an ordinary life match up pretty well with this little fellow. Charlie...he is pretty ordinary, and you know what, that is why I like him. It always ends up just fine, at the end of the day. 

So, if you please, just call me Charlie Brown. And if you want, read my thoughts on everyday, ordinary life. Maybe you will enjoy them...
