
The Best Festivity in the World.

As many of you know, fall brings that special smile to my face. It is the yin to my yang. It is the mac to my cheese....ok I'm out, can't think of any more stupid sayings. But you get where I am going with this.

Best of all, fall brings us FESTIVITIES. Yes kiddies, that is a real, and very important word, that all must learn to share in the joy and fun of this time of year. So let me share with you just why I am so fond of the season full of happiness.

1. Free candy. Or at least a good excuse to buy lots of it.
2. Freaky weather.
3. Coffee always tastes better.
4. Who doesn't love the color burnt orange.
5. The one time a year I don't feel stupid for making my dog wear an outfit.
6. The leaves smell like forest...and I love that smell.
7. Who doesn't love a good campfire? No one? Ok who wants to invite me to a good campfire...
8. Charlie Brown celebrates two holidays in this time of year.
9. Food. Seriously. Food. The best. Food.
10. I love scarves. Not the kind that boaconstrict all your airways and look like a herd of cats, but the kind the lightly accent an otherwise boring outfit.
11. Who does not love a good pumpkin? And whats more, why not accent it with one of my favorite accesories...candles. All in all, a great combo.

Well, just a few tidbits shared to get you in the mood. Now, go celebrate in a fally festivitus way!


Adventures in Car Land

Well my friends. It is that time of year again. What's that, you say? What time of year is it? O, well nothing you shouldn't have already figured out. It is time to celebrate National Car Problems Awareness Month. What? You have never heard of this wonderful holiday? Created in honor of all those who struggle with the whole steering a car deal? Well, let me explain how people in my culture celebrate this month, or rather, how I have chosen to celebrate over the years.

In 2004 I was awarded are real beut of a car. A total gem. Diamond NOT in the rough if you will. Thats right. A 1993 Dodge Dynasty Sedan, and yes the sedan makes all the difference. If the fringe of rust and caked on mud were not enough to win your heart, then please let me assure you that it came with the glorious pleather back window and the deluxe arrow head model.

To celebrate NCPAD that year I decided to break my garage door, not once but twice, with full throttle car contact. However, my loyalty began to fade after this first celebration.

As the years passed my celebration diminished...until the past few years. In 2007 I decided to go big or go home, and backed into a bush at full speed, breaking off my side view mirror. My attempts to further the joy of the day came when re-attaching my mirror with duct tape. Shortly after my car experienced some car profiling issues for the first time in its life...and was pulled over for appearing to be "creepy", "like a robbers car". It never recovered from this day.

The following year, my Dynasty was gone, and replaced by my lil Bishi. In celebration this year of NCPAD I drove my car to a weekend getaway. Although celebrating another holidy at the same time, my spirit of celebration rose up again on one fateful day and I lost my muffler in the middle of the road.

This year, I decided to make up for my "lost years" of celebration. I had to go all out. Pull out all the stops. Bring it like it has never been brought. So...Last month I put my celebration into an unstoppable motion. First, I rammed my car into a sidewalk and blew my tire. But this was not enough. So I locked my dog in the car for an hour and refused to know how to change a spare. The next day, I felt inspired, and so I rammed an immobile car sitting in front of me at a stop light. Feeling victorious but not yet having let my celebration reach its potential, I decided to really light a fire on this celebration year. I drove my car, full speed, 50 miles an hour into a corn field, without blinking. Don't worry, I left my hubcap to commemorate the celebration of a life time.

What will happen next year, on this glorious month? Stay tuned to find out. You never know what the celebration will inspire in me. Oh, and Happy National Car Problems Awareness Month, get out there and make me proud!


Breaking Up With Myself...

I decided that today I need to break up with myself. I spend too much time with me, and sometimes I think I can save me, that I can fix me, that I can keep me company, that I can be my own community.

I think too much of me. On my list of priorities, I see me on the top way too often. And maybe it is clouded vision finally clearing, or painful walls finally crumbling, but I see all to clearly that I have been living in a fog of tiny lies.

So in honor of my break up with myself, of course, I have to listen to good break-up-with-self music. And there is one song that keeps rattling me to my core, that I think is shaking me awake from this brilliantly lame stupor I locked myself in. In the song, he talks about his father saying he is sorry from his grave...and that started the crumbling in my heart all over again.

I traced my steps back through my relationship with myself, as you often do after a break up, minus the whole reading love notes (because at least I am not that self absorbed), and I see the beginning of this funky stupor clouding over me around this time last year that I had a life altering moment with my relatives.

After a heart-wrenching first few months and an internal war that would thwart the masses, I had to testify against my own father. Not that this will shock many of you, but this merely ended a very twisted relationship with the man who, up until then, called me his daughter.

I think the hardest part of this all, was feeling alone. Feeling like there is no way people could possibly understand the pain that was underlying all of this. Despite my fathers continued absence in my life, and weak attempts at making up for it, despite all his manipulation, he is my father, and I have an undying love for the "underdogs" of the world. This situation was mentioned a few times to those who know me well, but ultimately died out in conversation, yet never in my heart.

Every day I feel guilty for "turning" on my dad, even though it was the only way to help this situation.

Everyday, I wish there could have been someone who understood without words how this situation changed my world in those few short months, how it shook me to my core...how from that moment on, everything truly changed for me. Because it was the first time in my life there was a death in my heart, of my father.

This break up song brought all this out of me, and brought me to a place of desiring community so deeply that I can't wait to move and get on with it, and get involved in others lives and love.

But I am still so afraid, because the song ends with the hallucination that the father whispers up an "I'm sorry", from his grave. When time has already run out. I so desperately hope that healing comes before then for me...and for my father. I so desperately need to know and give the forgiveness that brings closure...from breaking up with my problems and with myself.


words i fear/hope i will say one day...

"last night i had a dream,
i was in a grave yard
looking at my father
buried in the ground.

i swear that i could hear him
tell me he was sorry

and everything has changed..."
