
The Best Festivity in the World.

As many of you know, fall brings that special smile to my face. It is the yin to my yang. It is the mac to my cheese....ok I'm out, can't think of any more stupid sayings. But you get where I am going with this.

Best of all, fall brings us FESTIVITIES. Yes kiddies, that is a real, and very important word, that all must learn to share in the joy and fun of this time of year. So let me share with you just why I am so fond of the season full of happiness.

1. Free candy. Or at least a good excuse to buy lots of it.
2. Freaky weather.
3. Coffee always tastes better.
4. Who doesn't love the color burnt orange.
5. The one time a year I don't feel stupid for making my dog wear an outfit.
6. The leaves smell like forest...and I love that smell.
7. Who doesn't love a good campfire? No one? Ok who wants to invite me to a good campfire...
8. Charlie Brown celebrates two holidays in this time of year.
9. Food. Seriously. Food. The best. Food.
10. I love scarves. Not the kind that boaconstrict all your airways and look like a herd of cats, but the kind the lightly accent an otherwise boring outfit.
11. Who does not love a good pumpkin? And whats more, why not accent it with one of my favorite accesories...candles. All in all, a great combo.

Well, just a few tidbits shared to get you in the mood. Now, go celebrate in a fally festivitus way!

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