

I had a dream last night. Nothing scary, nothing extraordinary, nothing that will change anyones world. But I think it changed mine.

I have been struggling so much lately with feeling my life has lost its point in this world. I have felt so small, insignificant, and just plain replaceable. I have felt like my desire to change the world has met me at a standstill, a plateau. But this dream...it rocked my world.

I am sure it is a mix of things that have happened of late, what with weddings and such. However, I dreamt it was my wedding day, but the audience was a myriad of faces that I would never have guessed would attend. People from high school who I haven't seen in years, people from elementary school that I have long forgotten, friends I have lost over the years. Yet I was ecstatic to see each and every one of them and excited to hear about their lives as if no time had ever passed. They clapped, they laughed with me, they shared with me. It was as if we had always been friends. When I woke up I realized something.

Each and ever person in that dream was a life that I had hoped to touch with a little love. A life that I had hoped to invest a little grace in. And each person in that dream has, in turn, affected my life in some way, changed me for the better. So I was thinking, what if God was just telling me, that just maybe, no matter how small or insignificant my life may seem when I leave here, these people have a bit of a better life because of me? What if this is a glimpse of my heaven, getting to know that somehow I touched some lives in my time on earth?

Dreaming...interpreting...maybe just a little hopeful.

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