
It's Cliche because It's True

Lots of changes happening in the Morgan household these days, more updates on those later. But, today, I feel like I learned a valuable lesson.

It has been said to me, many a time, that Bible college can create unrealistic views of what is taboo, what is cliche and what is "lame". As I recently found myself criticising in a way reflecting these ideas, I became annoyed with myself, but this is hard habit to break, mind you, after it seems to be instilled in you as much as your weekely memory verses.

But today, I read an article about early marrige, compliments Anne Durham and Christianity Today, and something just snapped. So many things in this article would seem, to the average Bible College student, cliche or silly or "old news" as though we are entitled. All I found in this article was truth. Plain, simple truth. The problem is, we don't want to hear it, or we want to over-intellectualize it. We want to make it harder than it is. But truth is what it is. The end.

I believe this is where we get cliches. There is another saying that goes "It's cliche because it is true". It is so refreshing to just accept this. Yes there are falsities out there, but a lot of times the things that we so often dismiss or ignore are the quiet, simple things God desires us to truly learn in the first place. And chances are, the more we dismiss them the less we have learned of them, because anyone who has truly learned something in their heart, will always have a fondness of this memory, rather than contempt and a "too cool" attitude.

Buck up Christians, lets be honest, if you are a Christian, you are not too cool...in fact you are probobly not even cool. So lets be honest here and examine even the most cliche things we turn our noses up to, there is always ALWAYS something to learn.

1 comment:

  1. hey love! phone date tomorrow night? ill give you a ringading and if it's not a good time we'll postpone it. i know i've been slackin. what article on marriage did you read? would you mind forwarding it to me? i need all the advice i can get! :) hope you're doing well..

