
Things That I am Not Afraid Of (and probably should be..)

Each of us have little secrets that we would probably be shunned from society for revealing. So I thought maybe I would start a trend, and go ahead and admit my own dirty little secrets of things I feel the need to apologize to society for....

1. I love, love, love Gilmore Girls. It is a sad, sad thing that sometimes I feel like they are my friends, but especially in the fall, we are bff. Forevs.

2. My current favorite rainy day/cold day movie is Twilight.

3. I have read all the Twilight books, and I am not sorry.

4. I get excited about Harry Potter. And I am not sorry.

5. I am a sap through and through. I love girly movies, but I also love action movies. So sue me for getting emotional about Pride and Prejudice.

6. I wish I could be an actress...mostly because I think it would be so fun.

7. I hate showering. Not because I am a dirty weirdo who loves b.o. But because the whole process of getting ready just takes too long...yes I am that lazy.

8. I pick my nose at least once a day. I think it is a nervous habit.

9. There are days I remember in High School that I sometimes wish I could re-do.

10. When I see "teen" movies, I secretly wish I could still be THAT ONE girl in high school...and I just graduated college.

11. I absolutely love getting lost in my imagination.

12. I wish I could just sit and create things for the rest of my life and get praise for it...

13. One time I ate an ant because my brother told me they had milk in them.

14. I forget to brush my teeth...often.

15. I hate hate hate shaving...so I look forward to jeans weather.

16. I think burping in public is funny.

17. When people fall down I can't stop laughing.

18. I get emotionally involved in things that are not real life.

19. I still get upset about people who have bangs...even if they are in style.

20. I wish babies had four phrases: "I'm hungry", "I'm tired", "I have a dirty diaper", "Something hurts". That way we wouldn't have to decode shrieks.

21. I secretly never want to settle in one place, but want to at the same time.

22. I think homeschooling is cool.

23. I still think cheerleading is a sport.

24. I know no one reads this and I still felt the need to share....


  1. I disagree with #24 because I am someone and I read this. :) If I made a list like this I would definitely include #5,7, 11, 14, 15, and 20. But I bet you could have guessed that. I might have some others too. Is it weird that I remember how you pick your nose? You're a thumb-picker. Not that I don't do it sometimes too, it's just interesting which finger of ours makes it into our nasal cavity..............weird. ok loveyoubye.

  2. You are soo awesome!!!! Wordz cannot describe how proud of you that I am!! Well except the wordz, "I am soo proud of you!"
    PS - I don't like shaving either! :)

    love uncle Dan,


  3. Umm... Cheerleading IS a sport :) It was actually rated the most dangerous sport with the most injuries out of any sport.

