
I think God gave us mouths so we could learn to shut them...

Do you ever have those utterly demoralizing moments when you step away from your life and wonder where you are? You say, "hold the phone (a phrase I am still trying to figure out...what else are you doing with the phone, throwing it?) how the heck did I get here?"

My time away from people has become more and more difficult, so the time I do have with friends, I spend it making myself more important. I say too much and listen too little, and overall just have repeated foot in mouth scenarios I would rather not relive. I wish my mouth would let my brain catch up to it so my mouth would recieve the "shut up" signal in time. The more we say the less we think, and I am just so tired of living on the tip of my tongue. It is exhausting to cover ever silence, to speak every word across my mind, and apologize at least once a day for not thinking. I am truly convinced that God gave me a mouth to learn how to shut it.

So...today begins some changes in my life. I have seen, and I don't like what it is. So me and Jesus, we had a chat...and changes are a'coming. Just bear with me, as I am not all I should be, but truly wish I was. And watch out for the construction cones...they can be sneaky.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Caitlin, the wit that I knew in high school has not faded: "I am truly convinced that God gave me a mouth to learn how to shut it." =)

    Good luck with those construction cones. I've got some of those myself plus a whole mess full of caution tape. :p


