
Dear America, what is wrong with you?

I posted earlier and deleted it because I thought it was mean. Now, I don't feel like it is mean at all. So I am going to retype it.

I am always a supporter of the underdog. Ask anyone. If you are the worst football team in America, chances are I have hardcore rooted for you at one time. If you have ever been made fun of, I would most likely be the one standing in front of you telling everyone else off. But there comes a time when we all must pause and examine, then admit that the underdog is probably the underdog for a reason. At some point, we must let them stand alone.

Case in point, Tim Urban. I wish everyone would stop calling him the come back kid, unless it is his family telling him to come back home. Seriously America, get a grip. My ears are bleeding, and I can't make it stop without your help. Who the heck is voting for this kid? I am sure the dreamy factor makes everyone pick up their phones and use their little texting fingers to put him through every night, but for the love of all things (including my sanity) please stop. Put your phones down, close your eyes, clean out your ears with a name brand q-tip and give it another listen. Because if you do this, I can personally guaruntee your ears will develop a mouth that begins screaming in protest every time Tim Urban enters the stage.

I am sure he is a nice kid, from a great family, and he is such a super dreamy teeny-bop heart throb, but let me tell you a secret. Voting for him will not make him go out with you. It will however cause massive ear trauma to the rest of America who knows what music sounds like. Just let him leave on a high note and be the next star of High School Musical...or some other lame Disney movie. Just get off American Idol. Immediately.


  1. OMG Cait. I laughed out loud three different times. "I wish everyone would stop calling him the come back kid, unless it is his family telling him to come back home."

  2. hahaahahha. we have cable now so I can't wait to start watching. I'm sure this post will be even funnier to me then.

