
Normal, Normal, Normal, how I've come to LOVE thee...

Maybe it is the hint of spring, but I feel like purging lately. Instead of spring cleaning my house, which is probably in desperate need (lets be honest), I think I will be spring cleaning my life. There are a few things I need to chuck out the window...which in this case would probably mean my ears since its stuff sitting in my brain.

Some life vocabulary has recently taken on new life forms in my scary little brain. Exciting just stopped having the same meaning. What has become exciting is the thought of coming home to my best friend and favorite little furry creature. And for all those who remember my hysterical outburst over the wounded raccoon outside my window last spring, no, it is not him. Or her. Or whatever. Exciting isn't about moving around, changing my life, making all sorts of new decisions or being noticed. So, chuck goes the word exciting, hello normal.

In all my longing to always experience, all I ended up doing was longing, minus the experience part. I wasted my experience, passed it by as I mentally floated onward, deeming the here and now not quite good enough yet. Being unsettled was settling to me, and feeling in any way content was a sign to quickly get on the move. But, alas, my little futuristic shoes are all worn out and my feet are begging me to put on some socks and stay a while.

I just want a simple life. And since I am chucking out some vocab, things are looking a little roomier in that cluttered little mind up here. It is making the things that matter look more and more important, when there is nothing around for them to hide behind. I have a lovely pup, a crazy fantastic best friend/love, and beautiful people who I am lucky to call friend. I breathe clean air, walk around the block, smile often, and can see the sun peeking its glow from behind winter's grey shield. And for all this, I am breathing a little more easy, more content. For all this, I am loving, actually, adoring, the normal that has settled itself on my doorstep.

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