
You are the best thing...

Many moons ago, around this time of year, there was someone in my life who wrote me a letter. It was not the next great american novel. It was not an essay that changed the world as we knew it. It was not even a bestselling book. But, to me, it was like a melody to my heart. And, I do believe, this letter forever altered my life.

"You will probably never know how much you truly mean to me. Words cannot express the feelings that I have for you. Sometimes, I don't even understand it cause it doesn't really make sense...but at the same time it makes perfect sense and it's then that I realize that this is God's plan. Whether we are together forever, or break up and never talk again, I know that I will love you forever."

Eleven months into our marriage, these words still sound like a lullaby. This letter still reminds me of how much God had in store for me, of why I am who I am, and how much I have to be grateful for. This letter reminds me of why I said "yes" and "I do"; and why, almost a year later, I still can't imagine a better man, best friend, or life.

Dear Jared, you are the best thing...


Meet some people that I adore...

There are many reasons, added to daily, why I love this girl. I think this picture captures 99% of those reasons. Dear Anne Wilson, my life would be less funny, sincere, and inspiring without you.

If you don't know her, you probably live under a rock. Stephanie Norwood, the sunshine in everyone's life. Don't leave home without her. Life equals way less love without you. She will support me to the moon and back for eternity...for that I am grateful.

When I am feelin risky and need an accomplice, or when I need some qui
et friend time. Maybe if I feel like dancing, or know I just need to chill...Erin you are a Jack
of all trades. I am pretty sure you defined the words nifty and thrifty. Also...
pretty sure your nick name should be prayer warrior of life...and encourager of all.

But wait! I can't forget this gem! Maria, with your unforgettable dance solos,
amazing creativity, and overall amazing ability to make me feel loved no matter what. What would I do without a little bit of you in my life?

If no one can make me laugh on the darkest of dreary days where razor blades seem to fall from
the skies, have no fear,
Laura is here. But if Laura isn't in town to
lift my spirits, I turn to none
other than Josh Benfo. One classy guy with more jokes than a clown. And a pretty darn awesome friend...encouragement central.

However, I can't forget another class act, none other than Kyle, who not only cracks me up, but is indeed,
an amazing friend to my hubs and me. And his level of obsession with his awesome dog makes me feel a little more normal.

The sweetest most genuine girl I have yet to have met, Lauren Neese. If ever there is an encourager and lover in this world, if ever someone needed inspired to be passionate, Lauren Neese could make it happen. I love this girl...and the fact that she will watch Gilmore Girls with me until it dies.

Last, but not least, you know who it is. No, not Olive. It's the hubs. The best person I know. The most competitive "non-competitive"
man I know. The best dishwasher
around, and my bestie for the restie.

It's been a while...

Honesty is the best policy. Right? Right.

So honesty with yourself should be the bestest policy. Right? Right.

Easier said than done.

Looking in a life mirror for too long made me realize I should stop looking in a life mirror and look in a life window.

See, there are a few problems with a mirror. The past lies behind, but looking at it constantly, all reflect-y and stuff doesn't do anything but form weird regrets. Knowing your past is way different than sitting in a pile of it.

Looking in a mirror really does help you focus, but on the wrong person. I mean, I am not saying don't take a few mirror pitstops along your path. Everyone needs to pause at different times in their life and take a breather. Take a soul searcher. Take a step outside themselves to see who they are, or where they are even headed. But just standing in front of a mirror causes this lovely little disease we all share called selfishness. This trip to selfish-town, that I have taken many a time, takes a new and interesting form where, in attempts to de-flaw your flaws...you end up spending way to much time focusing on you. (there were even way to many "you's" in that sentence...). Been there. Done that. Don't visit that town it wasn't any fun.

Mirrors block what could be. They block the possibility of what God might be showing you. See, God never runs out of patience while He is waiting for us to peek around that mirror and see the beautiful-ness that is His leading. The wonderful-ness that is His ability to fix and flourish the flaws. But we can't see that if we are just standing in front of our sad boring mirror forever. All we get to do is stare at the opportunities that passed us, like a rearview mirror, and then regret it. Lame.

I know I don't want to be a mirror-loving regretter anymore. I'll take a few pitstops now and then, but I think its safe to say I know enough of who I am and enough of who God is, that it is time for me to do some remodeling. Mirror=shattered. Window=open and breezy...
