
Dear Anne, Thanks for making me remember when I wrote this...I need to remember my own advice

if you want unity, remember your own imperfections...
Marriage. Some people hate the idea, some people are peeing their pants waiting for their turn, some people are reading this thinking, "wait...marriage, Oh my gosh I forgot that even happens." Whatever the stage of life, at some time it will encounter your day to day. There are a few words I want to say about it, as I approach my becoming a Mrs.

I truly used to believe marriage was the easy way out. That being single and independent was so much more admirable and desirable. That there was more sacrifice and dignity in being single and "proud of it". There is absolutely nothing wrong with single-dom, it is a magnificent and beautiful time to do amazing things. It is a growth period I would not have traded a moment of. Single-dom is an amazing time to be enjoyed and reveled in. But I was absolutely wrong in every way.

As beautiful and exciting as being single is, I would not trade my wonderful experience with Jared for another moment of it. Of course, there are days where my free-spirit springs forth inside me in an illogical way, wanting to drive and end up no where just because. Don't get me wrong, I still get to keep my free spirit, and Jared even encourages it. But I have taught it to be useful rather than useless. To people who are single and love it, GOOD FOR YOU, keep loving it and living in it. Keep serving with your whole heart. For those of you who are single and hate it, be patient, there is something to learn here, and the result will be breathtaking.

For those who, like me, are now walking into the crazy-biggest decision of their lives, do not let anyone make you feel less of a person for this. Relationships are meant to refine, renew, teach, and grow our spirits to look most like Jesus. There is no loss of dignity in this. For so long I let people treat me as though I had no independence or thoughts of my own because of my love for Jared and my desire to be his wife. Yet, I encourage you all, to see this as a chance for me, and hopefully someday for all of you, to serve someone so intrinsically that it changes your being into something more beautiful. I know it will be trying, it already has been, and it is supposed to be. Being refined by God is never easy. However the product is always beautiful.

I hope that everyone can look at themselves and see within them the beauty of the stage of life God has placed them in for the time being. I hope we can step back and acknowledge, enjoy; even revel in our state of being and the growth it is bringing us, instead of longing for something else. More than anything, I hope, as women of God, we can look at other women and appreciate the stage of life they are in without labeling it "single" or "married" or "desperate" or any of the other silly things we like to do. We are all women, journeying towards the same end; to love, be loved, and know we are serving our God. No one is perfect, so God refines us. Let us encourage one another in our refinements, whether they look the same or not. And please, let us remember that women are mighty, mighty vessels of God, in any relationship, if we so choose to allow Him into our hearts and use us.

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