
I think if I ever write a book, it will revolve around my car. Mostly because most of my significant moments have happened in a car...mostly in my cars. Old Roy set the trend and now it has moved onto my lovely lil 'bishi. No matter what type of weird old car I drive, I have a strange and wonderful connection to each one. And so many of my thoughts, friendships, and loves occur or develop in those two worn, grey, front seats.

Often, driving, I wonder, does anyone else ever think about the cars around them? Not in the sense of thinking "what a lame driver, umm there are yellow lines because of people like you, hello, red light!" ( mostly because I am that person if you say those things). I mean, do you ever think, "That person has a past, present and future. That person has a life going forward, and a story that isn't mine. That person has love, and loss, and something to teach me."

I think this so often that sometimes I think I am creepily obsessed with strangers, but really, I am just obsessed with the symphony God is writing. And I so badly want to see all of the parts tied together in the grand finale. So, God, thank you that we all have a part, thank you that we are not all violinists or play the bass. Thank you that there is percussion and color.

Thank you, that the story is so different yet so beautifully blended. Thank you that it is not over yet....

1 comment:

  1. love the car theme of your life.

    love the blog makeover too...man i hope i can make funfetti...i just don't know who can watch the kiddos while i'm gone?

    it's funny that you ask if you ever think about the cars around you bc when I would commute from fort mitchell to school and cross the bridge every day i used to mentally curse every vehicle around me. and then one day i came home to jared and i was like, "you know what? they are my friends. we drive together to work every day at the exact same time. i now will look at it more like they are on this journey with me" jared didn't see it as the revelation that i did, but hey. haha.

    also, another thing about cars...every time someone flies past us at an ungodly speed or driving like a freakazoid we always say, "i'm sure they're pregnant. they're definitely on the way to the hospital." even if it's an old man driving by himself. it just makes us feel better to tell ourselves that.

    expect long comments when i don't see/talk to you enough, so there's my excuse for that. :)

