
I really think music is the language that all the world can speak. It tells the stories that otherwise could not be understood, it speaks of love in a deeper way than words alone can say, it moves the spirit of all people in all places in ways that only music can. I think music is magic, it can leave an imprint on you in ways other things can't. Almost all of my most distinct memories are hand in hand with a song tied to the experience. So, I was shifting through my itunes the other day, and came across some songs that bring back some of the most life altering moments I've had. I thought I might share a few...

1. Honey and the Moon - Joseph Arthur: When I first fell in love with Jared, I was terrified and wanted to run away from it all so bad. I had no idea what was happening to me, and I thought it was all wrong. This song seemed to translate my heart at the time.

2. Boy With a Coin - Iron and Wine: There is something to magical about this song to me. It is like all the places I want to go, all the things I want to see, the roads I want to drive, and the desire to really know people who seem to be inconsequential are all wrapped up in this song. It makes me want to drive away and see where I end up. And make friends along the way. This song saved me last year when I felt like everything was happening at once and I needed to get away.

3. Everything Has Changed - William Fitzsimmons: This song is a dream. It is a vision into my future and my past all at once. My heart breaks in hearing these lyrics, because it resonates with all my conflicting feelings about my dad. It is a small story in just a few short minutes that seems to tell the heart of feeling lost in your own life. Last year when my relationship with my dad went up in flames...this song was theraputic.

4. Come Pick Me Up - Ryan Adams: There isn't much to say for this song other than, fall freshman year and freedom. That is what I feel. It is soul resonating.

5. Professional Daydreamer - Over the Rine: The first song I learned to sing and play to at the same time. It's lyrics tell part of my story with Jared, and I adore it for reminding me of him. I learned to play it in my free time while I lived in Ireland, so whenever I hear it, I feel the lonliness and curiosity of that summer.

6. For the Widows in Paradise, For the Fearless in Ypsilanti - Sufjan Stevens: Also an Irish memory. A recolection of the things I learned about the love of God and the power of prayer that summer. I hear all the things God is to me in this song.

7. The District Sleeps Along Tonight - The Postal Service: Thank you Mark Lukey. My first introduction to this was my first trip to Cincinnati Christian University. Anne, Lukey, Andy Heck and myself made a day trip to the place I would eventually call home for 4 years. This was my first glimpse of the city that would shape my life, and become absolutely beautiful to me.

8. The Longer I Run - Peter Bradley Adams: Thank you early-20's crisis. After all my life change, my introspective nature kicked in. This song helped me express my desire to just escape for a while. To drive and not look back. To rediscover my purpose...and to describe in words that I could not find how confused, lost and hopeful I was feeling. It literally speaks my hearts contentment to constantly be learning about myself, how to love, and the joy I find in wandering through life slowly, finding its beauty in all the wrong places. This song is peace to me.

9. Work - Jimmy Eat World: O freshman year. If I had an ode to you, this would be it. Falling in love was the hardest thing I have ever done, and in attempts to make sense of it I did a lot of driving around, park visiting, and yes, unbelieveably, running. This song assisted in all of those times that I had to get away and think. To pray and sort through all the things that were moving in my heart.

10. Stop this Train- John Mayer: All I need to say about this song is "so scared of getting older, I'm only good at being young." Thank you Mr. Mayer.

Well there is ten for now..go have a listen.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this. excited for some new lyrics to pathetically obsess over. :)

