
Defending the Real Holidays.

It comes every year. It looms around the corner for both lovers and haters alike. It is a black cloud of too much money spent, or to much anger and depression built up and released in one day. It is, yes, sadly, Valentine's Day.

Now before you pull out your defense of the historical beginnings of this humble holiday, or how wonderful it is to celebrate love, let me just ask one thing...

Is gravity still working as the earth continues to orbit the sun which provides us with vegetation so that we may breathe the oxygen we are currently surviving on as the clouds absorb the water to replenish our streams and rivers that we drink of eventually as it is hydrating the essence of our very being as we wake another day to life? Yes...it is? Well, good. I was just making sure, because for a moment there it seemed like just maybe the world was ending because of a paper heart doily. Just checking.

Now that we have cleared that up, please let me place a refreshing spin on the most disputed holiday of all time.

1. Who. Freaking. Cares.
I know at first glance this defense seems, thin, destructible, and just plain nonsense. But I urge you to take a moment and look around you. Do you happen to see a shift in the galaxy? Perhaps you see a crowd of people outside your window all pointing, laughing, and snapping photos of you because you are single. Or perhaps that crowd is there because you forgot to buy that box of chocolates that is all but equal to the sustenance of life on this very day. The one that will, indeed, save your relationship. Maybe, if you are more unlucky still, that restaurant called to tell you that you are, in fact, no longer welcome there, seeing as you did not make the life saving dinner reservation this evening. Wait, I'm sorry, what was that you said? No, you do not see these things? None of the above has occurred? Oh. Strange. Maybe that's because no one cares. Let me rephrase this. I care about your life, and you as a person. But on the whole, this holiday does not define your life. And to be frank with you, blogging world, everyone around you is either too concerned with their own singleness or chocolate box relationship to take time to think about yours on this day. Perhaps tomorrow, on February 15, they will be ready to look into your relationship status.

2. It is 24 hours...but can you survive it?
The question of the day. Can you survive 24 hours of singleness/relationship hazing rituals? My answer...if you have made it thus far, congratulations, you have trained well for this day young grasshopper. Now go out there and breathe, because in 24 hours, you will still be breathing. Ah, solace.

3. If you love someone...does today really matter that much?
Now to my serious point. I mean, I think it is a wonderful thing to celebrate love, to celebrate a martyr who believed in love (and, oh, how I wish we could just leave it at that). However, if you want to celebrate love, why should it just be today? I know everyone says this, but I really mean it. Buy her a box of chocolates (I have no idea why I am fixated on that one, just go with it), flowers, or a card on a random day. Take her out to a nice dinner on the 10th of May, just because. Don't do it because the holiday says to, at least, that is how I would feel. But, alas, I am not every woman and can truly only speak for myself.

So, there you have it blogging world. I am not bitter because I am single, I am not gloating because I have a "perma-valentine". I am upset because, for one day, February 14th, the world turns on its axis over a few doily hearts and chocolates.

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