
Stories to tell...

I read this question today. "Looking at 2010, what has God made known to you, what have you learned." Because those lessons will shape who you are, not just in 2011, but for the rest of your life here.

So I thought maybe I will think through some of the things that have shaped me this year, old or new lessons, to see what God is doing right now. Mmmm I love a good reflection. Getting out my soul mirror...

1. "The only way we can truly authenticate ourselves as seekers and followers of Jesus is to measure ourselves by the life and teaching of Jesus. not by our leaders or our doctrinal statements--just Jesus. Not by what church or organization we are part of, but Jesus Himself." (Floyd McClung)
I am not sure there is much else to say here. If I could write a sentence to sum up what brings my soul to life, how I want to love people, what I wish the world knew about followers of Christ, and the foundation in my life that grows ever stronger as time passes, it would be this sentence. Too bad Floyd beat me to it. Seeing this, feeling the ache to do this in my soul, I regard it as the most challenging task that I have ever undertaken. Why? Because absolute truth is almost always skewed by opinion and interpretation. I am in no way claiming to know everything, in fact I am sure I know less each year. (Or maybe I just always knew this little and each year it becomes more obvious). Regardless. Jesus is not easy. Sacrificing wouldn't be sacrifice if it was easy to do. Escaping the idea of normalcy is an incredible task, but I just hope that I can continue to realize and live the idea that "it is for freedom Christ has set us free." It grows a bit harder each year and more inexplicably full of joy with each passing day. I love my God, I only hope that my life will emulate the love and truth He holds.

2. Faithfulness. This word is precious to me. Because over and over again, He has proven that my God is still my God, no matter the season or circumstance. Thank God. When I am a crazy; my God is still my God. When I am unsure and anxious; my God is still my God. When I am mean and nasty and hurtful; my God is still my God. When I am excited and sharing in joy and His presence; my God is still my God. Know why that is awesome? Because He is so much bigger than it all. He is master designer, creator, wisest of wise. I don't have to be anything for Him to be God. He has delivered me from living in condition. He gave me a husband who will be ever faithful and the truest of friends. He has given me friends who can forgive a multitude of mistakes. He has shown me in my scariest soul searching moments that He is conquerer and provider. In essence I am an ant trying to lift a log, instead of sit on one. And here comes a weird little kid who picks it up for me and moves it. Awesomeness. THanks for moving my logs, Jesus. (Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for He who promised is FAITHFUL. -Hebrews 10:23)

3. Be where you are, no matter where that is. You may hate every second of it, but always know, there is something to learn here. And as ugly as you feel in those refining, sucky moments, as much as you feel like that awkward girl in braces at her first middle school dance, you are more beautiful than ever as you grow.

4. Sometimes, it is good to think long and hard before you speak. Words are more powerful than ever, in an era where spoken words are few and far between. Mean what you say, say what you mean. Put passion in your words because people will see who you are, and love well as you speak. But always, always, always use the brain God gave you, and think before you speak. You never know what your words could mean to someone.

5. I want a tree tattoo. I have always loved trees. But deeper than that. I have always loved trees in scripture. I love nature, I love that God crafted it with meaning and inspiration. It is like poetry to me, like meaning being hidden and twisted into each blade of grass, each leaf, each rock or piece of bark. But trees. O trees. They carry the most meaning to me. A tree is always a tree. It may have blooming periods, dark empty periods, barren or fruitful times. But a tree is always a tree. It continues to grow up towards the sky and down in the earth. It comes in many shapes and sizes, all with a different purpose and leaf. They may get sick, or be hospitable to a lonely animal. They are good for sitting next to or leaning on. They have secrets and adventure for you. I love trees. If I wasn't a human, I think I would be a tree. Because through it all, to my God, I will always be a "me-tree". No matter what season, how much growth, what my purpose, I will be full and content knowing that in His eyes I am always beloved, purposeful and beautiful. And knowing that even still, my God is my God.
Though the fig tree should not blossom
And there be no fruit on the vines,
Though the yield of the
olive should fail
And the fields produce no food,
Though the
flock should be cut off from the fold
And there be
no cattle in the stalls,
Yet I will exult in the LORD,
I will
rejoice in the God of my salvation.
The Lord GOD is my strength,
He has made my feet like hinds' feet,
And makes me walk on my
high places. (Habakkuk 3:17-19)

1 comment:

  1. good stuff, friend. happy new years! i love you. it's 2011!! and we met in 2005. and i loved hearing your laugh coming down the hall in phyllis rine. and you're hubby & i were in public speaking together that year too. ok enough nostalgia. (and you should absolutely get a tree tattoo, partially so i can live vicariously through you...i'm just not gutsy enough!)

