
54 years.

54 years ago:

Dwight D. Eisenhower was President.

Russian was still under Communist Regime.

Kansas won the NCAA Basketball Championship

West Side Story debuted on Broadway.

Humphry Bogart died.

54 years ago it was 1957.
54 years ago, my grandparents said "yes" to one another. And have been saying yes everyday since then. 54 years ago, my grandparents made a choice that has forever influenced my life and made me believe in marraige, in love, and in relationships as God has intended them to be.

54 years ago, my then young grandparents chose each other. Till death do them part. And have never looked back. They had a cheap wedding that was rich in love and cake. They had a one-room-one-light-bulb apartment where they learned of their first pregnancy, my mom, in their kitchen.

They embarked on a journey marked with trials, children, joy, tight finances, and millions of questions and smiles. They didn't do everything right, but they left all that to God.

They did what they could, with what they had, where they were at.

And someday, I will tell my children about them. I will tell my children about their love and marriage. About how they hold hands at 74 and ride their bikes. About how they chose each other even when they didn't feel like it. About how they sacrificed what they had to in order to take care of their children, and especially their grandchildren, like me. About how they have the mommy they have because of the the grandma and Pap she had.

All because, 54 years ago, two people said yes. The world is forever changed, and the life I will lead is forever in the hands of Jesus. 54 years ago, my life was changed. Even before I existed...God had a plan. I am in awe...

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