
Our generation is one of the first to be desensitized to true, gritty, raw, beauty. I truly believe that. Our addiction to our TV's and books without words has lead us to a place where we have forgotten the majesty and wonder of our Creator.

I don't believe God created the Redwoods so we could glimpse them on our small and slightly pixilated Sony flatscreen. He did not sculpt the mountains from His pure imagination so we could watch a movie called Everest and live vicariously through the people who actually step outside and get a little messy. I am certain that love was not intended to always include lust and nudity, that marriage was not intended to be placed on the same "decision shelf" that we put the choice of wether or not to buy another pair of shoes. That real color was meant to be felt, tasted, smelled, as well as seen.

You might know what I am saying. The smell of brown. What is that to you? For me, the earth under the pine in my back yard. But only just after it has rained does it really smell brown. True earthy brown. Maybe your brown is fresh brownies, summer in a wheat field, fresh cut wood. Or perhaps your color smell is orange. Fresh pumpkins ready for picking. Hay wagons for riding and jack-o-lanterns lining the children laden streets, all hankering for more candy. Or your orange could be the ripest of citrus, bursting with summer and flavor. The golden orange sun hanging low on a late summer eve. Whatever your color of choice, you know its smell.

This is what we were designed for. The black box we stare into for our escape, fulfillment, sense of any emotion at all, it is stealing from us. The flatness of our eyes reflects too many hours of what I am doing even now, staring into a picture of a picture of the real life that is waiting outside my curtain laden window. We were meant to see with our eyes if we can, hear real sounds with our ears if we can, to smell and touch. We are created and physical, if yet frail, beings. Let us join our spirits with the wonderful things God has given us in the here and now and give numbness and its grody little theiving alien fingers a swift kick in the pants. Immediately. And then take princess Jasmine's advice and see a whole new world. Was the disney reference too far? Whoops...

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