
Things that I simply adore.

I know that maybe no one else in blog land cares. I also know that in real land, no one but my two dogs care...and even they get bored within five minutes and proceed to sniff inappropriate things. However, I just love to share the things that I love, so travel on back to kindergarten with me and lets have a show and tell. I promise I did not bring my pet tarantula...which, side note, why on EARTH did anyone ever have that as a pet? It wasn't bad enough that you already had social problems so you went and bought a giant fuzzy spider just to seal the deal? Bad move. Ok...now for the things I love.

Waking up early on Saturdays and putting on my favorite sweater, then going to sit on my back patio. There really is nothing better, especially if you throw in my morning caffination fix.


Really soft sweaters, of any color. But the kind that either button up or stay open. And pockets...i love pockets on them.

Dead leaves. The smell, the sound. So much so that I even like to rake. But only my own yard so please don't get any bright ideas.

Buying flowers.

Making playlists on itunes for each mood I am in.

Cooking anything that has rosemary in it.

The idea of a road-trip. Up and leaving. Throwing it in your car, packing some snacks and sunscreen, as well as a raincoat. Putting on just the right music, grabbing your bff and driving on down the old yellow divided road. When will I ever realize this dream? Who knows...Is this dream realisitc? Well let me answer that with another question...am I ever realisitc?

Reaaaallllyyy tall trees. The kind that make you realize you are only human.


Cotton sheets

Robin's egg blue

Getting dirty.

Not showering.

Using excessive amounts of Fabreeze on almost anything.

Cuddle time with my puppies.

The smell of books, new and old.

Finding something I love on sale.

Paisley prints.

Going barefoot.

Halloween. SO much that I only wish I had cable during the month of October so I could watch ABC families 13 days of Halloween. Yup. That is a true confession.

A really, really crisp apple.


A vase I have had since I was twelve that still contains three forlorn looking fake black eyed susans. It was the first creative thing I made that I liked, ever. And so it stays, immortalized for all time on my bookshelf.

My clumsy, sad, cluttered guestroom. I have no idea why. There are books strewn half-hazardly across my shelves, and empty window seat with one pillow, a hideous built in closet, a half empty dresser, two dog kennels, one keyboard and gross carpet. But, whenever I want peace, to pray, or to just meditate, this is the room I lay on the floor in. ahhh....

Cards. I love cards. Reading them, finding good ones for other people, writing them. THey are perfect.

Bookstores. And Libraries. Never go with me if you intend on leaving this century, ain't gonna happen.

Old Buildings.


1 comment:

  1. I'll join you in the bookstores and libraries all century. :)

    I had this vision the other day....of me attending Funfetti in 2013 when I no longer have kiddos. Pathetic I know..do you have any free wkends or even one day of the wkend in November? I need to check with Anne too.

